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My wife and I brought our baby boy, Brady, to a brewery on St. Patrick's Day (say that five times fast). Turns out, we weren't the only cool parents there. There were babies everywhere. As soon as we walked through the front doors, about a dozen beer drinkers put their pints down, stopped their conversations, and greeted Brady with smiles and, "Oh, my God. He's soooo cute!" Brady got the red carpet treatment as we made our way to the back corner of the brewery. Yes... we put baby in a corner. Before we sat down, we said hello to a couple who had the same idea we did. They brought their baby, too. A few minutes later, our niece and nephews walked in with my wife's sister and her husband. We hadn't seen them in more than a month - so we decided to meet them at a local watering hole before going back to our house. We tried a couple tasty beers at the family-friendly brewery. Then Brady stole the show. He was full of smiles as he locked in with laser focus on his chew toys (we think he might be teething). The people at the two tables next to us couldn't get enough of him. And naturally, as babies do, Brady made them smile and start conversations with us. We shared some short stories and made a connection. After about an hour, with two beers down the hatch, we decided to call it quits... before Brady started getting fussy. Our little lucky charm was well-behaved. So we got up, took a family photo, and walked out to the same happy stares and bright smiles that we were greeted with. Here's that family photo... When night arrived, and Brady was fast asleep, I realized he reminded me to make sure I do something important every single day. I have a high-stress career in TV news. I have a brand new baby boy who isn't a fan of sleeping through the night quite yet (but I still love em). And I'm working my tail off to grow my own business. It's easy for me to get caught up in the grind. And I know you might feel like that sometimes, too. So here's what Brady reminded me to do... Don't forget to smile. Don't forget to make people smile. Don't forget to make connections with people. And don't forget to strengthen them over time. Do it with your family. Do it with your friends. Do it with your clients. Don't worry about hitting the reset button. If you've been thinking about testing something new - do it. Stay fresh, like Brady's baby face. Life (and business) will be better. Go get em', Michael Sullivan P.S. As a new parent, I'm sure my mini-me will teach me a lot of lessons. What's something your child, or any child, has taught you, that has stuck with you? Shoot me an email! Here's more content that can help you... Don't do this with a FB ad... it won't work This $16 investment made me thousands (and can make you even more) The best marketing strategies in 2019 Why you need an email list (and the fastest way to grow your existing one) How my baby can help grow your business How my awkward ride to work can help you Michael's Marketing Agency, LLC - © Copyright 2018-2019 - All Rights Reserved
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